About this Course
Course Features
“Zahlenland” aims to provide young children with the opportunity to learn about numbers through first-hand experiences, help children build their knowledge about the world, and make them aware of knowledge relevant to their everyday lives.
Zahlenland’s innovative approach to early childhood education combines the idea of mathematics education with the concepts of the modern neurological research, “Neurodidactical.” This approach centers on the child and his or her individual development.
German ISD students enter the exciting land of numbers by becoming numbers once a week. They learn to add and subtract in a playful way while being given feedback and correction from their classmates. The students will walk the “number way,” which teaches the vast opportunities to count numbers in different kind of ways.
German ISD offers the Zahlenland I with the numbers 1 to 10 during the first semester of each school year. Zahlenland II commences in the second semester of the academic year, covering numbers 11 to 20.